Health benefits of Moringa tree

Health benefit of Moringa tree:

Almost all parts of the tree are eaten or used as ingredients in traditional herbal medicines.
M. oleifera is a fast-growing tree that can reach a height of 10–12 m (32–40 ft),Moringa is a source of vitamin A (18.9% NRV per serving) which contributes to normal vision and helpful for night blindness,Moringa powder contributes to the normal function of digestive enzymes.

It also contains 24% fibre which can help to support a healthy digestive system and bowel regularity.
 Moringa seeds can reduce the amount of oxidised lipids in our body and take care of our cardiac health, Moringa plant is good for skin, help in treating some stomach disorders(stomach pain, constipation), Protect against kidney disorders, Reduce high blood pressure, Moringa is beneficial for maintaining healthy bones and helping to heal bone ailments,Moringa leaves are use to treat scurvy, They are also useful for treating pneumonia, Moringa Oleifera used in treatment for mumps,Moringa leaves could cure tooth delay and helps improve oral health.❤
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